What flamenco is NOT
It's not a pink bird
You would think this goes without saying,
but it's amazing how many people say flamingo when they want to describe
Spanish music or dance. In the minds of these
people there must be
some connection between a tropical wading bird and
Andalucian gypsy music, but one can only speculate as to
what that connection could possibly be. Perhaps if I can
convince my therapist to increase my medication, I will
begin to understand what this flamingo business is all about.
But let's not be too harsh on the general public because a
lot of the blame for these strange ideas has to go to
inferior definitions like this;
"The word flamenco is derived
from association with flamingos. The movements made during
the dance are likened to those made by the elegant
Duh! Talk about clueless. Even the Encarta
dictionary spreads this sort of silliness. Through a
bizarre twist of logic, the old Dutch word "Vlaming" (with
a presumed Latin root) is touted as being theoretically
responsible for two completely different words,
flamingo and flamenco. Consequently, the phonetic
similarity of the two words lingers on as a linguistic
curse we cannot escape from.
The most unfortunate aspect of all this is that once someone
has learned to say something one way, it sticks for life.
Example: I know some adults who say "sumfink" instead of
"something". The flamingo -
flamenco anomaly is a bit like the sloppy street
language that passes for English in some chat rooms and message
forums. im shure u no wot i
In the real world, flamingo still means a pink tropical bird
and can never mean anything else. To my dismay, I have
discovered there is no point in trying to educate someone
to say flamenco instead of
flamingo. My best advice is
to just take a deep breath and walk the other way because
you're in the wrong neighborhood. A flamingo is very pretty, I'll grant you
that, but it doesn't have a clue about dancing in compás.
I've often wondered what it tastes like.
Feeling hungry:
Check out these Flamingo Recipes
Random Quotes I found on the Web
Sam learned flamingo
guitar at the knee of his Cuban grandfather
...great fun with
flamingo guitar ... - CD review
It has an old world
flamingo flavor that puts you into the
streets of Madrid - CD review
...while the flamingo
guitar plays softly
a splash of flamingo
guitar, and captivating rhythms. - CD review
Hobbies: Skiing, reading, jogging and
flamingo guitar
has a Hawaiian flavor with a
flamingo guitar riff.
I can't remember the last time I heard a gypsy refer to a
flamenco falseta as a "lick" or a "riff".
Excuse me while I turn off
my wah wah pedal. I'm sorry. I don't get
out much. Gosh! I only recently discovered what a power
chord is. Now I know why "tuff" musicians in noisy bands
sling their guitars down around their groin.
