What flamenco is NOT
There is a place for New Flamenco
The obvious place you might find this music played is during
Latin nights at the local dance clubs. Strictly 4/4 rhythm
though. It is rare indeed to find 12 beat compás on New Age/Rumba
"flamenco" CDs anyway. However, danceable tracks are just one
side of the story. The other face of these New Age "flamenco"
CD's is the cruisy, romantic tracks that are inevitably
included on each album. It is sad that so many people call this
Latin style elevator music flamenco. The real truth is that the
word flamenco sounds exotic on a CD cover and it sells. Be that
is may, I believe these tracks do have a place in the universe
and are sure to get your chakras spinning in the right
direction. This stylized 'New Flamenco' is perfect as ambience
music in a hairdresser salon, pizza bar or shopping mall. It is
also particularly nice on a secluded beach while you gaze out
across a sea enjoying a tropical sunset with your lover.

Extract from Ship of Fools by Hieronymous
Bosch (1450 - 1516)
Is this Old Flamenco?
Subjectivity is what it all about
What flamenco is or is not will always remain a matter for
debate between music lovers who have no experience with
traditional flamenco, and those who know a little more about
the subject and are therefore able to see the wider
The role that misinformation plays in the big wide uninformed
world is clearly one of perpetuating myths and illusions.
Because venue operators are often part of the uninformed
public, it seems that any form of Latin dance music will do in
a restaurant or dance club situation where "flamenco" is
required or expected. There's not a whole lot you can do about
the general public's perception of flamenco. We just have to
learn to live with it. Boo Hoo. It's OK, I'll get over it.