Sal's flamenco soapbox

Postal donations

The BEST (proven) method of sending money by post.


Place cash currency notes inside a greeting card and send it normal post.


Oh my God! Isn't that risky?

You would think so, but I can tell you from experience that it's safe.

When I was selling my CD, I was posting it all over the world. Although people were reluctant to send cash through the post, they did anyway.


Here's the good news.

I did not lose a single payment.

The cash ALWAYS arrived safely.

Strange but true.


Call me crazy but I trust people. I know there are dishonest people in the world, but I believe 99.99% are honest. It was an honor system and it worked well for me.


Anyway, this is not a payment for anything.

Any money you donate is accepted with the understanding that you expect nothing in return.


I accept your donation as a goodwill gesture of support for what you have already received from me on this website.


I'm just letting you know that sending money through the post is safe.


Talk to me if you intend to send some money in ANY currency.

This is just to let me know it's on it's way so I can inform you when it arrives.


Or just post it anyway without telling me. That's cool too. I like surprises.


Here is my Postal address:


Sal Bonavita

PO Box 95,


SA, 5169,



Use this Currency converter to find out what your donation is worth in YOUR currency


Life is good.